De Okavangodelta, een uitgestrekt waaiervormig moerasgebied in de Kalahari-woestijn, ontvangt zijn levengevende water van een watertoren in de hooglanden van Angola. De animatie ‘Angolan Highlands Water Tower’ gemaakt voor National Geographic, is winnaar van de Map Design Competition 2023 van de Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS).
Storyboard / Data Visualization
- Frederik Ruys / Vizualism
- Liz Elkington / 422 South
Computer Graphics Artists
- Libby Redden / 422 South
- Jim Walters / 422 South
- Rowan Spear-Bulmer / 422 South
- Mike Beckner / National Geographic Society
- Tyler Dinley / National Geographic Society
- Scott Elder / National Geographic Society
- Martin Gamache / National Geographic Society
- Dr. Mauro Lourenco / National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project
Data Sources
- “Africa Water Atlas,” Dewa, United Nations Environment Programme
- Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation With Stations
- Esri
- World Wildlife Fund Hydrosheds
Tanya Allison (Montgomery College), Mark Denil (Cartographic Perspectives book review editor), Hannah Dormido, (Washington Post), Dylan Moriarty (Washington Post), Tom Patterson (National Park Service, retired), Daniel Cole (Smithsonian Institution)